Product Description
CAS No: 104010-37-9
Molecular Formula: C19H16N5O7S3Na
Formula Weight: 545. 53
Category: Sterile Raw Material(Active Drug)
Quality Guarantee Period: Two years Min
Product Specifications:
Description: White to Gray-yellow powder
Identity: Conforms the test
Water Content: Not more than3. 0%
Clarity of Solution: Not more than No1. Turbidity standard solution
Colour of Solution: Not more than No9. Yellow standard solution
PH: 5. 5~7. 5
Residual Solvent: Not more than 2. 0%
Solubility and Strange Particles: Soluble in distilled water giving a clear solution, free of dust and strange particles
Sterility Test: Conforms the test
Bacterial Endotoxins: Not more than 0. 2EU/mg
Assay: Not less than 98. 0%(Calculated on anhydrous substance)
Product Image